Posts Tagged ‘snow

Bonn freezes over

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It’s unusually cold in Bonn, Germany. The streets are icy and the ground is covered with snow.

The weather man says that temperatures aren’t about to change soon.

This cold spell is unusual here in the Rhineland, where temperatures hardly ever drop significantly below freezing.

Cities like Bonn, Cologne or Düsseldorf don’t see much snow during an average winter. But for the past couple of days and weeks, we’ve had some pretty icy conditions here.

Doesn’t really look like global warming when I look out my office window.

Update, Thurday January 7, 2010 – My colleague Guy Degen just posted a video showing how the snow is piling up in Bonn this morning.

Written by Thorsten

January 5, 2010 at 11:41 am

Winter wonderland

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I’m not a winter person. I’ve been ready for spring since the day we threw out our Christmas tree. And I’m eagerly waiting for warmer temperatures  and longer days.

But when I drove down to Bavaria this weekend, I came through a part of the Spessart forest, which looked like a winter wonderland.

It was like driving through an enchanted forest. I just had to get out of the car and take some pictures.

Written by Thorsten

February 15, 2009 at 8:53 pm